Why I Am Away
June 14, 2014
This month marks the worst blogging month for me.. I have only blogged twice so far even though usually I blog once every 2 or 3 days.. So let me tell you what happened so far in my life.. It also explains why on this picture I was the only one who was wearing sunglasses at that time
So, because Elle & Jess and I have so many similarities and three of us love Japan and been invited to Japan together, we became very close and often hang out together..
It escalated very quickly and I have known their family and boyfriends, and they've met my mom and best friends as well. We are just "click" ;D
We often met each other despite our busy schedule and we rarely take pictures when we met. After all, we were busy talking and that's what mostly friends do right lol
But at that time, Elle & Jess would like to have advertorial shot for blog post so we decided to find some quite fancy restaurant that's good for taking pics. Elle recommends Odysseia Restaurant that's located at Pacific Place SCBD Jl. Jendral Sufirman Kav. 52-53. South Jakarta 12190
Hence it explains why this blog post exists lol
However I was pretty upset because at that time it was my 4th or 5th day of eye infection
I thought it was a normal eye infection but I decided to just use sunglass and put no eye make up
Why they want to have pictures taken together when I look less pretty LOLOL
Anyway, my hair has turned more yellow under the sun
The restaurant has both indoor and outdoor areas and I love the ambience that makes it fancy and European-looking
I decided to order Turkey cos I was hungry. But I didn't expect that the turkey would be that small and rolled neatly there. The sauce was fine, but nothing extravagant
My beverages.. I forgot the name. Taste was average too for my preference

Jess went for this strawberry drink and chocolate cake with gold flakes on top of it
While Elle ordered this orange red juice
While having fun and running away from my thesis for a while *lol* , I helped them taking pictures for the blog posts, and we did lots selfies together. However I didn't look good because of my eye infection blehhh..
Next time we should do this again!!
The day after that, my infection was better so I went to Surabaya for a Beauty Demo for Profira Clinic. I came as a guest to share about Japanese Gyaru Make Up and I am glad that people find it useful!
During the meeting before the event I had to wear sunglass as well as it was still bad. However at night, I felt that it's completely recovered so during the demo day, I could put on make up and looked decent enough!!
Also met some Surabaya Beauty Bloggers! They're so lovely and nice to know them!
Then I thought that my infection was completely recovered and I could start taking pictures and put on make up again
Turned out I was wrong.. It is not painful anymore but there's bump and the infection lasts longer that I thought..
I hate doctor, I really do, but my mom forced me to go to hospital for it because she's worried
While on the other hand, I seriously felt no more pain and thought it was just normal bump
The doctor however says, bump without the pain on my left eye indicates it's on serious level because it stays on my eye. So I had to undergo a mini surgery to remove the bump
I was given anaesthesia but I could still feel it when doctor cut my eyes and remove the bump as well as disinfect it. I had bloody tears, literally.. The blood was dripping down because of the cut but I am fine though
I asked whether this is because of cosmetics, circle lens, or dirts but he said that it's just infection and maybe because of hormonal issues something like that. I don't really get it but right now I am fine but I look like this :
I can still see and type with my right eye but opening my left eye is somehow still quite painful..
Hence I apologise for the lack of posts this month, and the lack of my pictures and selfies..
Been having this for 10 days or so, and the lesson for this experience is
See the doctor before anything becomes worse
Doctor said that I could put eye make up though as long as it's on the outer part
But half of my eye make up is also thanks to circle lens and pencil eyeliner on upper waterline, so I will wait until I fully recover from the surgery
So sadddddddd T_____T
Especially since I have lotsa posts i wanna do. Giveaway, Tutorial, How to, and also I have watched Maleficent and wanna re-create Angelina Jolie's amazing look duhhh!!!
I hope my eye recovers soon
I hope everyone is healthy as well!
Anyway my thesis is about to come to the end
I have to finish the paper on 17th, and my assembly is on 24th
Which means after 24th June, my life would be free from school!!
Can't wait can't wait..
Hope you will get better soon!
ReplyDeleteお大事に。。try to reduce using lenses when you have recovered
ReplyDeleteHi Ms. Stella. I always read your blog, and I from the Philippines. I experienced the same thing, my doctor said that I should take vitamins so my immune system will get stronger.
ReplyDeleteThe main culprit for eye infection is the the dirt which are accumulated when we use eye make up. Use waterproof products so the fall outs won't easily get into your eyes, and remove every bit of make up before sleeping, and even before taking a nap.
I remember that during the time when my eye got infected, I was always taking power naps and thought that it's okay since I wouldn't sleep for a long time. Turned out that all the dirt got inside my eye. :(
I know how painful it is. Hope that you'll recover soon.
Hope you will have a speedy recovery :) Can't wait to see your new post.
ReplyDeleteGood luck for the thesis!
get well soon, stel .. T_T
ReplyDeleteDuhh stell :(( Ga nyadar klo mata mu lg infeksi, you looked so fine
ReplyDeleteGet well soonnnnn <3
hahaha.. emang udah gak sakit. cuman masih benjol.. XD
ReplyDeletethanksss ^^
ReplyDeleteyes just wait <3
ReplyDeleteHi dear!
ReplyDeleteMine is said to be because of hormonal issue. So it's like some oil getting stuck inside of it :( I thought it's bcos of make up too but turned out mine is not..
But yeah most of eye infections are bcos of make up, so I hope everyone cleans their make up well too!
Thanks for the thought <3
hahaha okay
ReplyDeletethank youu
ReplyDeleteOh sweetie I hope you feel better soon~
I also used to always has bumps in my eyes, mostly because of hormonal and apparently I had slight allergic reaction to proteins. But I really like drinking milk - even though I know that it will make the bumps go worse. And I experience pretty much the same like yours, I undergo mini-operation, and that is the worst day of my life, I was so scared and I was literally crying blood. But because of that, my eyes slowly getting normal and normal (er) now I can wear circle lenses and wear makeups! :D so, get well soon dear hihi things will definitely get better!
thank you <3
ReplyDeletewoah the same problem~ i thought it's only me :")
ReplyDeleteYes I was super scared and shivered during and after the surgery.. Mad scary!!
I hope it's better soon~ hopefully both of us won't experience it anymore
Hope it heals fast. >< Take your time and recuperate.
ReplyDeleteJust a question though: was your bump on the eyeball or on your eyelid? :O
I hope you can recover quickly ~!!!
ReplyDeleteI will patiently wait for the next post on your blog, kkkk ~!!!
get well soon stella... i understand it's really depressed, but it just a for a while n just follow the doctor said... i was so sad couldnt attend the profira event so hope you come back to sby next time... cant wait your next review, tutorial, etc soon! :)
ReplyDeleteHope you get well soon! ♥♥
ReplyDeleteTel serem amiirrrr :( Get well soon!!
ReplyDeleteAnd good luck for your thesis! Freedom is near my friend! haha
get well soon Stella~
ReplyDeleteit's inside the eyelid ^^; they have to flip back my eyelid with some tools and cut the back of it to remove the bump.. very scary cos i was awake during the procedure right.. lol
ReplyDeletethank youuu~
ReplyDeletehahaha i will be back hopefully! thank you!
ReplyDeleteit's comingggg!
ReplyDeletethank you~
ReplyDeletestill look pretty though Stell.. ^^
ReplyDeleteBtw, can I know what camera do you use in this post? I want to buy one, need some suggestions..
I'd thank you before for the answer..
u're still pretty :) I've been wathed that film.it's amazing.
ReplyDeleteget well soon yaa :) God bless u
Get well really soon ci stell ,serem banget infeksi mata T.T
ReplyDeleteRecreate maleficent ciiii
Good luck and congrats ya ci udah mau lulus
Get well soon ~~
ReplyDeleteCongrats your graduation ^^
I am so sorry >.< I hope you feel better soon:)
ReplyDeleteLaila from Townhouse Palette ♥
the food looks so delicious! I hope your eye gets better soon >.<
stella, im still waiting for the amazing eye-tape post !!! get well soon though ^^
ReplyDeleteare you proud to be chinese? the answer is only yes or no, don't need explaination
ReplyDeleteSo nice pictures!! :D
ReplyDeleteYou are really pretty (^^)
I hope your eyes will be better soon!!
Hope you're feeling better Stella! Take care of your eyes, definitely good to take a break from blogging until they're all better. Your outfit at the Profira event is beautiful, so elegant!
ReplyDeleteTamsin xx | A Certain Adventure
Get well soon tell biar bisa foto2 lagiii! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteYou are one of my inspirational beauty-bloggers!
ReplyDeleteGet well soon, dear!
get well soon cici :(
ReplyDeleteasik banged udah mau graduate :3 congratsssss<3
hahaha kamu cepetan lulus jgggg
ReplyDeleteawwwww thankssssss *blows kiss
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHA :D
ReplyDeletethank you so much love~!!
ReplyDeletethank youuu <3
ReplyDeletehehehe youre interested? :D
ReplyDeletethank youuu
ReplyDeletethank youuu
ReplyDeleteiyaaaa kamu juga jaga ksehatan yaa
ReplyDeletei wanna rewatch ittttttt
ReplyDeletethank youuu
ill make a post about it? :3
ReplyDeletethank youuu
ReplyDeleteget well soon ci stella :( temenku juga ad yg infeksi mata ky cici, karena hipertiroid (hormon tiroid berlebihan) dan terpicu stelah bbrp bulan pakai eyeliner setiap hari. Idk if it's gonna be the same in your case or not, but her doctor and also my teachers in medicine faculty taught us it's better not to wear any eye makeup if it's possible because there's high chance of recurrence of another infection. But i think it's gonna be okay it's not too often and not for a long time, hehhhe. Please take care of your eyes, you already look beautiful without any make up btw. Healthy eyes are the prettiest :))
ReplyDeleteyou start it in the first place and you are the one who end it yourself. you are the one who go there and you are the one who left it by your own. maybe in the first place you should have never ever go there at all. you should have known the risk and consequences also teh positive and negative and good and bad side of going to that country before go there