Sigma Beauty Miss Taylor Retractable Flat Top Kabuki Brush Review + Giveaway
Advertorial June 23, 2011A few days ago, my first Sigma Beauty brush has arrived safely at my place. I was sent the brush as a review purpose by Sigma Beauty because I'm their affiliate. I was really surprised about how fast the delivery is. The Sigma Beauty representative told me that they shipped it on 8th June. And it's arrived less than 2 weeks. Amazing for their service and their shipping <3
If you like to visit Sigma to see their collections, feel free to click here
My First Giveaway, Get Ponds White Beauty Naturals for Free! Sponsored by Ponds Indonesia
giveaway June 21, 2011*
Hallo Indonesia!
Jarang-jarang nih buat post dalam bahasa Indonesia. Tapi aku membuat post berbahasa Indonesia ini karena khusus ditujukan kepada masyarakat Indonesia yang pengen join giveaway ato bagi-bagi hadiah gratis yang disponsori oleh Ponds Indonesia!
Blog ini bekerja sama dengan Ponds Indonesia untuk membagikan secara gratis rangkaian produk Ponds yang terbaru, dan kenapa aku mau bekerja sama dengan Ponds? Karena aku merasa Ponds itu merupakan sebuah brand yang sudah terkemuka dan harganya itu sangat terjangkau untuk masyarakat Indonesia. Dan karena aku sudah merasakan sendiri manfaat dari Ponds White Beauty Naturals ini, maka dari itu aku mau membagi tips mendapat kulit yang sehat dan bersih dari Ponds. Mendapatkan kulit yang bersih dan cerah bersama-sama seluruh masyarakat Indonesia merupakan hal yang sangat menggembirakan!
I'm more into random person nowadays, so this post will be super random also. I will be talking about 10 random facts about myself that some or mostly people dont know about
Ponds White Beauty Naturals Launching Event - Indonesian Beauty Blogger Meet Up
Beauty June 07, 2011I was invited by Ponds to come for their new product launching event last Saturday at Grand Indonesia and contacted by the PR via email, which seriously, I was surprised like hell, why am I? LOL I hardly use Indonesian language so I dont think that any Indonesian company would like to ask me for coming to their event. And I thought that it would be nice for me to attend this kind of event, also since it consists of other beauty bloggers from Indonesia, I was looking forward to meet them. Seriously, I dont really have any beauty blogger friends from Indonesia lol;
I guess I'm just a nerd