I cant stop mentioning how much I love Japanese wig. Their color is amazing, the quality is top notch, and most importantly, it's not heavy and stiff unlike China wig. I know Japs wig are so expensive most of the time, and that's why I love Brightlele Wig. With around 30$ per wig (not including shipping and tax to Indonesia), the quality is already good and giving you a kawaii japanese look.
I ordered mine through Hazelnutz Cawaii (my most trusted wig shop on facebook) and it arrives super fast, less than 2 weeks! I hate purchasing on my own from overseas these days because mostly my cosmetics got stuck in custom office. I have a lot of sponsors sending me a lot of beauty items from overseas and whether it's only 2-3 lipsticks or a whole box of package, none of it arrived at my place because of Indonesia's strict regulation! :"<
I recently purchased Taobao stuffs through Hazelnutz as well because I am just so sick of buying and handling it on my own.
So for now, I'll just have somebody take care of my shopping XD
Anyway Brightlele wig comes with varieties of colors and I am a fan of their ash pink shade. It's super popular and sold out most of the time T_______T
It comes with a wig cap as well altogether
It comes with a wig cap as well altogether
This is the top of the wig. Usually if you dont want people to notice that you wear wig, you should wear a cap or a headband to cover the head mark. But whenever I use their wig, many people dont realize it's a wig. In fact, the wig is even nicer than my real hair -____-"
The thickness is amazing, and it comes with highlights as well so it doesnt look too 2-dimentional
I think this color kinda reminds me of sakura XD Really good to celebrate spring coming with this wig
It's been so long since I went for this Kawaii look as I think my style has matured a lot recently.
The wig is sponsored as a review purpose by Hazelnut Cawaii