2012 is about to end, and i am about to spend my New Year in Japan.. And while you're reading this, I am probably sleeping on a plane, on my way to Tokyo.. Looking back now, I hardly can believe that 2012 is probably the year that makes me becoming a different person 

I experience so many things that I have never expected before... Both good, and bad. It all came for a purpose, I believe. To make me stronger, and a better person. I learn a lot this year, and I feel like I have becoming more mature, yet somehow I lose a little bit of my cheerfulness though. And I blame adult life :x
In total, this year, I have made 215 posts, including this one.. That means I blog at least once every 2 days, such a hardworking blogger

This post probably means nothing to you, but being someone who loves history, I love writing a post to make me remember about what have been so far.. Reminiscing this past year 

I always feel that my life is for a purpose, and so are everyone. Our lives are connected each other. And whatever someone does, directly or indirectly will affect my life. And the same goes on me...
I dont know if I have affected anyone yet, but I just hope that it's for good cause
I always feel that I have achieved a lot, yet havent achieved nothing
I feel that my life is perfect already, but I know I have a long way to go to reach my goal 

There are so many things that I didn't expect for being through.. And I didn't expect that I could become someone the way I am now.. 

Btw for serious talk, I suddenly become very emo 

Anyway I also have made my resolution for 2012 and so far I think I almost complete my resolution, so all is good
This year a lot of memorable events are =