Belle Beauty and the Beast Make Up Tutorial

March 30, 2017

I have mentioned this before but Belle is my most favorite Disney Classical Princess ever! And girl, I rejoiced so hard when my favorite icon in the world, Emma Watson, was chosen to be the live action actress. It's like combining two favorite stuffs of yours in one place, and I can't not watch it

So I watched it and inspired to make the tutorial. In fact I have purchased the cosplay set long before from Taobao but I haven't had the right time to wear it as I waited for the movie to be released in Indonesia #dedicatedmuch. So one of my make up tutorials that I put effort the most, has been up. You can watch it down below =

As for the beautiful set, I got to know about this place from Jess. While I was shooting the tutorial peacefully at my home, I saw that she was at this enchanting Beauty and the Beast set and I HAD TO GO THERE!
So with all the heavy gown, I kidnapped my brother and drove all the way down to Lippo Puri for 1,5 hours. It was really last minute because it was at night and the mall's almost closed lol But I had to go as soon as possible because I needed to complete the shooting ASAP as I needed days to edit the video. I think some of customers in the mall thought that I was a part of mall's attraction

My brother was so embarrassed that his sister had to pose like she owned the mall so he wore a mask to hide himself LOL But hey, that's a real beauty blogger life haha. No shame LOL

All in all, I hope you enjoyed the tutorial! 
I am more into Youtube these days compared to blogging because creating youtube takes so much effort and time :"( I wish I can manage both but please bear with me !
Okay then I am off to Japan for my spring holiday + work. Talk to you guys again later!

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  1. you're just a tumor to this world and you should be cut off forever
