Gyaru Beauty Workshop

September 05, 2013

I apologize that I wasn't able to update my blog. When I wanted to do it, my wifi was dead for a few days . .  And when it's back again, I was so busy to prepare everything for AFA event. I am so excited for it because it's my first time hosting Japanese event, moreover it's on very large scale

I promise I will update with more make up related blogspot soon!

But anyway! I am holding a make up class again!

This time it's collaborated with 2 media partners! Animonstar & Kawaii Beauty Japan
I am contributing make up column on their magazine, and as for Kawaii Beauty Japan, I am their KBJ Star, and we wanted to work together to spread Japanese Beauty in Indonesia

That's why this time we're having make up workshop again! In Jakarta

The fee is soooo affordable
Only Rp 150.000 / person

And you will get lunch snack + beverages while you're in the class
Moreover, don't forget the goodie bag filled with Rp 350.000 Lancome products, facial wash from Cow Brand, and Animonstar magazine

Don't forget that the make up winners on that day will receive Door Prize as well!

There will be 2 winners, and each winner will be having Rp 1.000.000 worth of product from Lancome!! Exciting right?

As I am just the speaker / host / teacher / whatever, all the registration is not through me [Apparently because I have no more time to reply every single mail either T_T ]

So you can RSVP to to book your seat!!

Better hurry up because it will be spread through Animonstar & Kawaii Beauty Japan too, and slot is limited!! 

See you guys at the workshop! ^_^ 

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  1. Kak Stel dibandung juga dong! Ingin ikut lagi Beauty Classnyaaa

  2. Wahhh keren banget Stella ^_^
    Sukses yaaaaa

  3. Stella, aku uda email untuk reservasi dalam bahasa Indonesia dan belum ada balasan juga dari Staffnya ada yang bisa bahasa Indonesia? Tapi aku sudah resend in English, mudah2an direply:) wish wish wish takut fully book Stella;(

  4. Sama, aku juga udah e-mail blm direponse juga... :(
    Karena ini majalah lokal mustinya cepet loh responsenya :( :( :(

  5. pengen ikutan, tapi mw tanya ini ada bedanya kan sama yg diajarin di beauty class di GI?

  6. mudah2an ga fully book ya, wish wish:)

  7. You're so pretty! Have fun in the workshop, Stella! ^^

    Celyx Lim

  8. hello dear,
    mohon maaf yang menangani email itu tim animonster, dan seluruh tim animonster lagi rempong sama AFA T_T ak juga lagi dikontrak AFA jadi mohon sabar dibalasnya yaaa...

  9. yang diajarkan sama saja, cuman goodie bagnya beda, lebih banyak, lebih murah :b
    Btw I will share some newest tips juga :D

  10. ok deh, takut fully book aja Stel, :), makasih infonya :)

  11. how fun! i wish i could be there~ hahaha come to cali <3

    xoxo Sarah (xlicious girl)
    Japanese Gyaru Makeup Blog

  12. ah ga bisa ikut ;^;
    semoga next time ada di bandung

  13. Stel, workshopnya itu dalam bentuk beauty class??

  14. ditunggu dibandung dunk.. bandung jarang ada event.. T.T

  15. waktu itu sbenarnya kan sudah pernah ada juga hehe :3

  16. aih kalo aku bisa ikut gag yaa ><

  17. Can't waitt pengen banget ikt. Hehe
