Diamond Lash Series 2 in No 3 - Angel Eye Review
July 21, 2011
my lovely sponsor, GalLover sent me a pair of Diamond Lash Series 2 in no 3 - Angel Eye as a review purpose because I told the owner that I really wanted to try one! Happy to the max because the owner is so kind and nice!!
I've always wanted to find this but Dolly Wink is more popular so its harder to find Diamond Lash. Sasa doesnt even sell it on its website. Seibu in my country has carried dolly wink as you guys can see here. But seriously, I dont want to pay 21USD for only two pairs of false eyelashes la! Seriously? I mean, false eyelashes only? I can easily get a bunch of pair lashes from ebay like only 1USD and free shipping to my country lol I never really worn any branded false eyelashes because I dont think its necessary. Cmon la, I prefer to invest on skin care and make up products even though I'm a huge fan of false lashes, coz wear it like almost on my pictures lol
So since GalLover sent me Diamond Lash, I really want to make sure whether its worth to buy japanese false eyelashes or not?
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="248" caption="http://www.gallover.com/diamond-lash-purple-no3-p-496.html"]

Diamond Lash is used by a lot of gyarus in japan and one of the best seller drugstore false eyelashes! It appears on numerous gyaru magazines such as popteen, egg, ranzuki, and so on!
Why is it so popular? Because with its affordable price, you will receive a bunch of false eyelashes more than any other brands such as Eyemazing, Melliesh, Dolly Wink, etc. Other Japanese drugstore false eyelashes comes with 2 pairs per box, but Diamond Lash comes with 5 pairs instead, with about same price!
And no, the quality is not to be hesitated for, its high quality, and many bloggers have raved about it. I even become more curious about this AWESOME false lashes!

So, I received the Diamond Lash Series 2 in No 3 - Angel Eye which is one of the best selling type from Diamond Lash!
Its a pointy false lashes that gives glamor touch to the eyes!
I find that it looks same like any other china false lashes that I've used so far. The only difference is that it has clear band [you know la, the ring where we put the eyelash glue on], which gives a point plus because it gives more natural look. But if you're not careful I'm afraid that it will harm the lashes because I find its more delicate than cheap china false lashes

I find that on each part, it's made from tiny fibers that will blend better with your natural eye lashes. And see that it's already quite curl to begin with, not like some cheap false lashes that are flat and dont hold the curl well!
Time to try it on!

so here is my eye without any mascara and whatsover, just some eyeshadows with eyeliner. Oh BTW, i was using Candy Magic King Size in Brown that you can find the review about it here. I'ts one of my most favorite lenses because its soooooo dolly!

then glued the band by my duo eyelash adhesive, and leave it for about 30 seconds till it become tacky, I didn't trim the lashes even though I find its quite long than ordinary false lashes, so you guys can see the real length of it w/o trimming

I haven't even curled the false lashes to blend with my real lashes and to curl it up, but its actually lifted up already. And the lashes' shadow ruins the image ):

side by side comparison before and after using the false lashes
As you guys can see that it gives a really dolly effect to my eyes, but its not overly done, still quite natural compared than any dramatic false eye lashes, and I'm impressed!
What's better is that ITS REALLY EASY TO USE!
My cheap china false eyelashes keep falling down occasionally when I placed it on my eyes, and its quite heavy which makes my eyes tired and sleepy. Sometimes it drops and the glue doesnt stick well with the lashes. I thought that it's the glue coz I can never blame my china lashes, but okay, I WAS WRONG!
Diamond Lash can be easily placed on my eye with one try wtf! My china false eyelashes commonly falls down so I have to re-placed it. But this lashes stay still on my eye, even though its clear band!!!
And what's more that its really light, and I almost feel wearing nothing! It blends really nice with my natural false lashes, and it looks glam!

SEE!! How lively my eyes now!!!


It's lashes are quite long but seriously it doesnt look that scary like what other false eyelashes gives impression on my eyes before. Instead it gives dollish effect and cute flirty eyes on me! #VAIN&SELFABSORBED lol

What I have to do is to trim it to fit on my eyes, because as you guys can see that its too wide on my eyes. Nevertheless, I do believe that its better to have wider lashes because you can always trim it and put the rest of lashes that you just cut on your outer corner to give more depth on your eyes!
I give this false lashes 9/10!
I'm totally into it, now I've changed my whole opinion about buying bulk cheap china false eyelashes on ebay coz ITS NOT WORTH AT ALL!
Who may not like it =
- People who dont use / like using false eyelashes
That means thatttt, everyone who use false eyelashes must like this lash la! Coz its just irresistable!! Why?
Because Its really affordable!!

GalLover only sells it for 18USD!
Dont forget to use coupon code STELLALEE to receive free animal case when purchase lens
T_____T *teary eyes*
that means its only about 3,5USD per pair!
OMG I cant believe how I never purchase this before, now I gotta say goodbye to my cheap china false eyelashes and start wearing diamond lash from now on!
Go buy it nao because you may regret it later if you miss this out *like me! T_____T

until next time guys <33
I always Japanese falsies. I have tried china falsies but I didn't like it so I always end up with Japanese one. The half falsies are awesome too, esp if you want light make up. I always use half falsies if I cant be bothered to put on the full falsies.lol
ReplyDeleteAhh that is really cheap for Diamonds! Sometimes I see them going for $25 USD without shipping~
ReplyDeleteBtw you have really pretty eye shape :P
I know! Gallover.com is the cheapest place to sell dolly wink as far as I know! :D I will definitely purchase from them <3
ReplyDeletethanks ^_^
i rarely put half lashes because i love dramatic look on my eyes LOL
ReplyDeletei wanna buy dolly wink but i guess i will collect diamond lash first because its more valuable lol
Cantiiikkk sistaaa... ada untungnya juga aku ikutan Yg Pond's Natural white give away itu.. akhirnya jd suka liat pemharuan blog km sis.
ReplyDeleteMata km cantik dech..
Eh iy sis.. sekali2 kasih tips make up buat cewek tomboy dong.. jd walaupn tomboy tetep bisa cantik.Makasih sis.. ;)
makasih yaaa hehe :3
ReplyDeleteok, idenya ditampung ^^ <3
siiipp dahhh sis.. sekali-kali pake bahasa indonesia juga dong sis Make up reviewnya.hehehehehehe... ;)
ReplyDeleteI think beauty of the face is enhanced if a woman has long eyelashes.They make the eyes shine and can make a woman soo sexy!!
ReplyDeleteStellaaa :D klo kita yang indo beli di mana donk? ada saran kah?? aku jadi pengin nyoba nih.. :D ga ngerti worldwide shopping.. -____-"
ReplyDeletesayangnya di sini gak ada yang jual diamond lash, klo kamu mau bisa aku bantuin belikan :D
ReplyDeletebrapa ya jatuhnya di indo? mauu sayyy.. XD
ReplyDeletetengkiu loo... sori jd ngerepotin x3
eh, aku add msn kamu ya? :D
email aku aja yah soal ini :)
ReplyDeletehi.. i love ur lashes.. ^^
ReplyDeletebut cant find it at indo.. :-)
you can purchase it from their store! :-D