My Eyeliners Collection's Comparison
July 25, 2011So as I promised I will make a post about my eyeliner collection [despite my Urban Decay 24/7 which consists 9 pencils back then].. I was thinking about to make this post separated by its genre, like the liquid type, pencil, etc. But since its not that many so I will just summarize it into one
Black Pencil Liner

lets start with my MAC kohl liner. Its actually pretty long but I've used it for years for special occasions and its the most expensive eyeliner I've ever bought. I ran into the MAC counter in my city just to buy this because a friend suggested me that its superb! I might say that its quite good since its the only eyeliner that can I wear on my waterline without being smudged at all! Although it wont stay that long [probably only about 3-4hours]
Its so expensive in Indonesia. about Rp200.000 [USD22] just for this eyeliner. but it takes me years to finish it up, And I hardly use it because I have no guts to finish it T__T its much cheaper in USA, though -sobs-

Urban Decay Black Liner in Zero. Its probably the creamiest and smoothest pencil liner I've ever tried! but its not the best also. Its so smooth so its easy to use even for a beginner, but sadly it wont stay that long and it smudges on me T_T tell ya, I have the worst eye ever. there's no pencil liners can stay on my waterline and my bottom lashes ! it always smudges wtf. so Its not like I cannot put it properly but its simply just because my skin is too oily and it tends to smudge the line wtf
so perhaps if you dont have oily skin like me, this might work for you!
And another thumbside down, its not available in my country -_- so its really hard to get your hand this product

LT Pro Eyeliner Pencil in Black, it says its waterproof but still its smudged on me wtf -__-
its quite affordable, and the reason is because its a local brand. I use it when high end brand is not necessary, cause I have guts to finish it off. hahaha

From L-R = LT Pro Eyeliner, Mac Kohl Liner, Urban Decay in Zero
The LT Pro seems wider because I havent sharped it for ages wtf. but it still shows you guys that its darker than MAC and UD. I'm impressed with this brand, I have other local brands but I dont know where I put it. Bet my mom takes it away and simply saves it for herself T___T she always takes my make up when she's going out but this is what I had on my make up purse so please bear with it
And MAC's Kohl is not that great, but its darker than UD. UD's Zero is quite more to dark brown instead of black, compared with MAC and LT Pro. Which is for those who doesnt like strong black liner but doesnt want to go for brown also

after being smudged by finger
But I love MAC Kohl the best for lining my waterline because it stays longer and doesnt smudge easily like other pencil liners
White and Other Colors Pencil Liner

From L-R = unknown Korean Brand liner, The Face Shop White Eyeliner, Borjuis
I love The Face Shop White eyeliner because it's really intense, but I prefer using the unbranded Korean white pencil liner more coz its softer which wont cause wrinkle on my eyes
As for borjuis liners, its just so-so products. Wont buy it anymore, but i dont regret for buying it
Liquid Liner and Pen Liner
Revlon colorstay Liquid Eyeliner
Pink Lady Liquid Eyeliner [bought it in taiwan]
left to side = Revlon Colorstay LL, Dolly Wink LL, Pink Lady LL
Though it seems that revlon is the blackest from all of them, but I love Dolly wink more because it stays longer! While Pink Lady is not anywhere near other liquid liners' quality, its just, bad..
OMG this post has been made for about months ago but I forgot to publish it, so I publish it now lol Though I have other new liners to put it together, but I want to make new posts each for my new eyeliners. And so, better late than never right? :b
enjoy ~ <3
jadi pengen nyoba dolly wink :)
ReplyDeletesudah available kok di sogo dan seibu! sekitar 179ribu disini :D aku suka karena dia bisa bkin garis yang tipis banget!
ReplyDeleteBanyak banget sis koleksinya...
ReplyDeleteaku mah selalu gagal pake eyeliner.hehehehe.. ga bakat dech ma yg satu itu.. susah aja perasaan.
kalau untuk beginner, coba pake yang pensil atau yang bentuknya kayak spidol :D karena lebih gampang daripada yang lain. dan yang penting latihan terus ^^/
ReplyDeletemau beli dolly wink ^^ . thanks reviewnya.... uda ada di sogo ya *ngibrit ke sogo*
ReplyDeleteiya udah ada :D cari di pojokan yang drugstore products dket2 tammia sama masami shouko ^^ good luck <3
ReplyDeleteI am trying to get my hands on dolly wink limited edition round 2. But is it waterproof??
ReplyDeletei dont think it is, but it stays long and i find its a lil difficult to remove ):
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you know but you can prevent eyeliner from smudging by dabbing eyeshadow on your eyeliner. It works for me xD
ReplyDeletei try primer, continue with pencil liner, liquid liner, then eyeshadow :D
ReplyDeleteStel, MAC bisa tahan di waterline? Mata gw parah nih..kayak apapun yg dipake gampang luntur gitu..sebel
Btw, elrica here..first time visit here :)
hai, kalau so far yang bisa paling tahan lama di waterline ku itu mac eye kohl ini :D harganya emang agak mahal, 200rb beli di counter, itu pake disayang2, udah ampir 2 taon tinggal seiprit >.<
ReplyDeletekatanya sii stila jg ok tp blon smpet hehe
welcome <333 sering2 mampir yah hehe
Nanti gw ke MAC counter deh, coba2 dulu..trua diliat berapa lama tahannya :))
ReplyDeleteMakasih stel!
Btw, aku link yaaaaa :)
sip!! :D katanya sii klo yang affordable, LT Pro pencil eyelinernya ok, tapi di mataku smudge T.T emang susah oily banget
ReplyDeleteoke ^^ thanks <3
haiii.. first time here.. ^^
ReplyDeleteboleh tanya ga klo di indo beli dolly wink dimana siihh?
dolly wink sudah masuk indo kok! :D cari aja di sogo atau seibu, deket-deket deretan tammia dan masami shouko. liquid eyeliner dan false lashesnya 179rb ^^
ReplyDeleteweeeww, mahal ya falsiesnya 179ribu.
ReplyDeleteklo beli yg biasa2 di pasar baru atau mangga dua paling cuma 13ribu. hahaha
tapi harga ga boong lah ya
tapi memang bagus sii kualitasnya :) klo yang china lashes cepet jebol dan gak natural hehe
ReplyDeletealthough it's a bit late, but I love this review. I'm one of eyeliner freaks lol. Can't live without it. Right now i use LT Pro liquid liner. I'd love to try dolly wink ^^