Toshiba Healthy Tool For Your Body
March 03, 2016
Anyone has read about my Toshiba Thermometer post that I reviewed last year? Guess what, I am still using this after 10 months. The product become a staple health tool in my family. Mostly used by my mom and I though because both of us fall sick easily lol
And it's also a good test to check whether my mom is lying her illness or not pfftt lol
Like one day she told me that she had hot body and asked me to do chores, I got her to test the temperature and it turned out to be 36 celcius which is perfectly fine. Aiyo can't lie to me anymore now! mwahahaha
Toshiba thermometer doesn't only work to check your temperature but as I mentioned before, it also helped to input your daily data and cycle health as well. Like the picture below
Pics chart below credited to Toshiba Indonesia
Checking your temperature cant be easier, you just need to place the tip of the thermometer on your tongue and leave it for less than 60 secs, you'll get your data instantly right after!
Also I like it cos it's very durable, my family owned 1/2 thermometer before this but they just broke out of nowhere fml
I got 36,5 celcius today, very healthy girl! ^.^
If you want to get to know more about this little fella, you can visit !
And you can buy it on
It's purchable within Indonesia, yes yes!
And the battery will last you around a year if you use it everyday, super durable =D
See you guys on my next post!