Etude House AC Clinic White-Trouble Bubble Cleanser Review
December 28, 2011Bubble type foam cleanser melts down wastes and skin trouble inducing substances with micro bubble particles sounds promising to help achieving clearer skin, free from acne. Like everyone else, I suffer from skin problems as well, especially acne during my period or when stressed out.

Bubble Cleansing is widely known for relaxing skin and prevent any skin problems, as it is gentle and friendly to skin. Especially if you suffer from acne or have sensitive skin, this is a great way to keep your skin as smooth as baby's skin! :D This post will reveal you my most favorite current facial cleanser at the moment!

The packaging is in clear green plastic bottle, so you can see how much product left on the bottle. I've used it for about 4 weeks and already used about 1/3 of it, needless to say that the product runs out pretty fast. Please keep in your mind, I use it twice a day for 4 weeks, and only used 1-2 pumps for each cleansing. So I guess a product will last you up to 3 months if you use it regularly

Pump it, and the bubble foam will come out nicely
Application is pretty easy and fun as it is in bubble shape. The bubble cleanser helps to relax skin, as the acne-skin is really sensitive and stressed out, therefore you shouldn't use rich texture or else it will be getting worse. You can add water on the bubble foam, or just use it as its own. It has no strong scent and skin feels refreshed after using, but not tight! Remember, if you wash your face and it becomes tight, it means that your skin has been stripped and causing surface dead skin cell build up, resulting dry skin and wrinkle!
But I feel really relaxed and skin becomes smooth with this cleanser so absolutely fine to use.
Swatch =

one pump is enough for one face

spread the foam in circular motion [you can also add water]
after a while massaging, the foam disappear, so rinse it off, and follow with your regular skin regime
 The bubble is not dense at all, instead its fluffy and melts on skin, absorbed nicely. It spreads and glides on skin easily
I must admit that I am really impressed by this product as it helps calming my break-out skin and after 2 weeks usage, I can already see the difference as I have no new acne after using it! It does a good job preventing new acne and reduce current acne. Although it takes time, but it gives stable and significant result. You need to use it at least 2 weeks before seeing great change, but even after 3 days I can already tell that my skin is a little calmer and softer! :-D
It promises to help reduce acne scar but I dont see any improvement on my scar. I am sure you need to use other products from AC Clinic Series to get better and faster skin improvement
Final Opinion :
Pros :
- Prevent new acne
- Reduce current acne
- Affordable
- Doesn't make your skin feel tight
- Clear packaging
- Doesn't clog pores / non-comedogenic
- Skin feels refreshed after using the product
- Doesn't have strong scent
- Comes with pump for hygiene issue
Cons :
- Doesn't reduce acne scar
- Runs out pretty fast
Overall, I am so pleased with this! The cleanser does an amazing job as what I have mentioned earlier, and I cant see whats wrong with the product itself besides that it runs out pretty fast, which I suspect because of the unique bubble texture. Although I know some have complains that their skin becomes dry after using the product, it doesnt happen to me, but if you're worried, just make sure you slap enough amount of moisturizers onto your skin to keep it hydrated! :)
Will I buy again? I think I will stock one, and use it during my break out / period time when I have a few acnes. It's really helpful and a worth to try product. I get mine from MyLovelySister HERE for Rp119.000 . Not a bad price for a high quality cleanser. Do you know, cleanser is the first step into a great skin, so always make sure that you have a good cleanser which will become your foundation in the future! :)
Micro bubbles sound awesome!
Missing Amsie Blog
I used The body shop tea tree skin clearing facial wash. it really help reduce my acnes ^^
ReplyDeleteI don't know if i can say this, if you interested to buy etude house's product with cheap price you can contact me. I know a good website that sell korean products with cheap price. :)
nice product here XD ... but for me, i only use soap. hehe, rough skin
ReplyDeleteLatest: We R Malaysia Musical
haha, since you are a guy right lol what soap do you uuse
ReplyDeleteReally? I mostly used body stuffs from the body shop, probably can try it in the future :)
ReplyDeleteand yes, etude house is particularly really cheap in Korea
it sure is! :)
ReplyDeletekalau biang keringat ilanginnya gimana? aku susah beli klo pke onlineshop,klo pake barang' yg dijual di toko'' itu ada gak? terus komedo ilanginnya harus sering'' facial? aku pake ponds yang blackhead gk ilang padahal udh 1 bulan make .__.
ReplyDeleteemang kenapa kalo beli di online shop?
ReplyDeletekalo aku sih udah kapok banget facial, karna kulitnya malah jadi makin jelek. Sering-sering exfoliate wajah aja pake exfoliator, misalnya cure natural aqua gel ato baviphat peeling gel, sminggu sekali. Tapi susah emang klo di jakarta, muncul lagi muncul lagi :S belum ketemu holy grail produk u/ komedo nih
gak dikasih ama orangtua beli brg online --', aku lagi pakai aloevera gel,tpi udh lama pake kayak gak ngefek.. soalnya aku main olahraga jadi di jidat sering banget timbul biang keringat padahal udh jepit poni
ReplyDeleteI like your blonde hair more! Miss you babe! :)
ReplyDeleteSo do I lol I miss you toooo *big hugs*
ReplyDeletetakut ditipu kan, biasa ortu takutnya ama yang begitu emang haha.. bilangin aja gak bakalan kena tipu, lagian beli di konter harganya lbih mahal biasanya, terutama etude ya :s
ReplyDeletekalo takut nyoba-nyoba sii emang mending langsung ke dokter kulit say
OH wow that looks so promising!
it sure i :heart: what cleaner do you use, Emy? :D
ReplyDeleteini kena bekas jerawat yang udh pecah gak sakit ci?
ReplyDeletegak kok, relaxing, karna emang ini buat kulit berjerawat kan hehe
ReplyDeleteHey Stella ! I've just tagged you dear ♥
Hello! Thank you for the tag! :D
ReplyDeleteI am using nexcare acne patch, you don't have to squeeze your acne out. Just paste it over night and in the morning you will see the result. Not immediate, you have to apply few times but I think it is the most useful product I ever use for acne. :-D
ReplyDeleteI used to use Egyptian Magic Cream for acne and it works fantastic!
ReplyDeletebut I dunno if its only my skin, but after a while, my skin becomes immune of the product so I have to change it T_T it constantly happens with other products as well
Sounds like a magic cream to me. Maybe you have to change your products once every three months.
ReplyDeleteI immune to mouth medicine very fast, as for skin, this is the very first time I heard about it.
Bubble cleanser is very gentle to skin (the one you are reviewing now), but my skin hate bubble cleanser, if I used it, I have to expect a lot of acne, driving me nuts all the time.
Yea, I'm about to change my products again ^_^ hahaha
ReplyDeleteI know some of bloggers who get immune too, bubz is one of em :D
Really? Well again, skincare is not for all, you always have to look for the right one by yourself, review is just to help :) but it's back to the individual itself
I love to read reviews of the product, because I think sometimes it helps to help me make decision to purchase or not to.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the review :D
Do make review on the new products you use :D
sure, will always do, please keep forward for it ^_^
ReplyDeleteCi , sabun cuci mukanya di pake pas lagi jerawatan aja ato bisa di pake setiap hari ?
ReplyDeleteKalau sabunnya di pake pas jerawatan aja , kita pake sabun yang lainnya gak apa" ?
gpapa kok, cuman emang akan lebih efektif kalau pakainya terus-terusan
ReplyDeletecuman aku biasa pake ini kalo lagi jerawatan aja :D soalnya jerawatku karena hormon bulanan T_T pake ini mereda..
Ooo .. Okey deh cii , aku uda beli soalnya , kurang tau kapan aja pakenya .. :D
ReplyDeletePake sehari 3x gpp kan ?
jangan cuci muka shari 3x say, 2x itu lebih dari cukup loh
ReplyDeletepagi sama mau tidur
kalo keseringan ntar kulitnya jadi kering :D
bahkan skarang aku kalo pagi cuman cuci muka pake air dingin biar tetep lembab :)
Oooo , tapi aku kalo 2x aja kulitku jadi berminyak , soalnya kulitku kan berminyak ci :( .. Terus kan aku pulang sekolah jadi kotor .. Jadi gimana tuh ?
ReplyDeletecuci muka banyak-banyak gak bakalan merubah kadar minyak
ReplyDeleteminum banyak air, makan sayur buah, dan pakai pelembab untuk kulit berminyak
kalau aku dlu pas sekolah, tunggu 30 menit, baru mandi dan cuci muka + pakai skincare, besok pagi baru ritual yang sama
kalau gak, cuci mukanya siang dan malam saja, pagi cukup bilas pakai air dingin
kebanyakan cuci muka malah bikin lapisan kulit menipis
Ooo gitu , oke deh .. Thanks buat masukannya cii .. :D
ReplyDeletesama-sama :D good luck yah! :)
ReplyDeleteIyaa :D
ReplyDeleteOiya , sabun itu bisa ganti sel mati bekas jerawat juga ya ? Aku pake productnya sekalian sama obat jerawat ac clinic pink powder spot juga ..
Itu bagus ga ya ?
belum pernah coba yang powder spotnya, jadi gak tau :(
ReplyDeleteOoo , kalau sabun cleansernya ini bagus ya ?