Nuffnang Blog Awards, Here I Come

November 04, 2011

You dont know what Nuffnang is? Then you're sure missin' out!

Nuffnang is the biggest Asia Pacific Blog Advertising that have so many branches all over Asia. Unfortunately they haven't come to Indonesia but I do hope they would! :-) So Nuffnang once every 2 years hold a big blog award that gets every Nuffnang bloggers to participate. 500 Bloggers all over Asia Pacific will be coming to Kuala Lumpur this 16-18th December 2011 to attend the big event!

The Awards aims to honour the crème de la crème of bloggers across the Asia-Pacific region. After 2 months of nominations, voting and campaigning, it will all culminate with the prestigious awards ceremony in Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, the bustling capital of Malaysia.

500 bloggers, including the biggest names in the blogosphere from all over Asia-Pacific, will be invited to the gala dinner at Putrajaya Marriott on 16 December 2011, where they will be dazzled by celebrity emcees and talented entertainers well-loved in the region.

The Blog Awards experience will not end there, because after the glamour and fanfare of the awards ceremony, foreign bloggers will also get the chance to get a taste of the unique, colourful culture of Malaysia with a semi-guided tour around the city of Kuala Lumpur the next day. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific

Honestly, I really want to attend the event, and I get an opportunity to join the contest even though Nuffnang doesn't open their branch in Indonesia yet. But still dunno whether I will be picked or not lol Why I want to attend the party? Simple! These are my top 3 reasons!

1. Meet Bloggers that I love!

I'm pretty sure some bloggers that I love to reading their blogs are gonna come in this event. Mention Xiaxue, Cheesie, Audrey, QiuQiu, Janice, and so on. I super duper want to meet them, talk, and even take photos with them! T___T


I love their blogs a lot and truthfully I read more Nuffnang bloggers compared to American - European Bloggers, because they talk about stuffs that are pretty similar with my country. To be noticed by idol bloggers that we like is really happy right! lol Omg wanna shake their hands hahaha!

2. Expand my Friendship with other Bloggers

Haven't I said that I love making new friends? I hope by participating in this event, I'm able to get to know other bloggers and make friends with them. I know that making friends can also be done through internet, but I believe that the bond will be closer and it's also easier to do so by meeting them directly

Nuffnang Blog Award 2009

Bloggers from Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipines, China, Hong Kong, and Thailand will be coming to this event. Imagine how nice it must be to know people with different backgrounds, personalities, and preferences :-D Also, probably there would be some hot single blogger guys LOL

3. Shopping Time!

 Love love love shopping in KL Because they have my favorite online shopping available there! Yeap! SASA! They carry Japanese cosmetics and also Dolly Wink and Candy Doll there! So dont have to purchase their products through online and waiting for long time for it to arrive at my place. Also I heard MAC is cheaper also! I need some eyeshadows and lipsticks from them!

I love shopping fashion items at Bukit Bintang because the stuffs are cheaper compared to here, and I need boots!!! >___< Stuffs in Malaysia is cuter and cheaper! Oh! I also want to buy their Kitkat as theirs are fuckin' delicious lor! Different from Indonesia one! Haven't visited KL for over a year so I guess I will go crazy and spend my savings FML T___T


And I need your help to readers :-D If you think that I deserve to attend the party, and if you want to report of the event, you can nominate me here ! Put my link there and click option Indonesia for country choices and submit! 500 bloggers will be picked to go there, and I oh-so-want it >___< lol not hoping to win the award la since I'm such a newbie and a crap blogger, but those 3 reasons are enough for me to fly there and have fun!

Even though I'm afraid I have exam at that time T___T

Thank you for Mr. Timothy for givin me the opportunity to join the contest, and I'll talk to you guys on my next post :-3

Come 16 December 2011, 500 bloggers from around the Asia-Pacific region will flock to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards 2011 in Putrajaya Marriott. The Awards aims to not only honour the region's best bloggers, but also to bring together blogger communities from across Asia-Pacific. The Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards is brought to you by Volkswagen Malaysia and Putrajaya Marriott.

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  1. "Also, probably there would be some hot single blogger guys LOL"

    loooool, u think the way like I do always :clap: well, which girl does not? XD I didnt understand that award yet, but, it seems to be very great. I still love reading your blog, heehee.


  2. I also want to go and know more blogger friends!! :-))

  3. Submitted your blog allr! :) Good luck ya stell, semoga kepilih hehehe. Kalo kepilih jangan lupa share cerita nya disini :p aku jg suka bacain blog cheesie sama xiaxue, pingin juga sih liat mereka in real life kek apa :p

    and OHH... semoga dirimu ketemu hot single blogger guys :evilgrin:

  4. You\'re nuff bloggers right, hope youre invited so we can meet :-D

  5. terima kasih banyak ce epiiii *hugs: :-* hahahhaa
    iya pengen banget ktemu mereka! smoga bisa poto bareng *berdoa*
    amin amin, ntar diriku bawa pulang orang cakep ke indo *ngarep lol

  6. Ah hypocrite if there are girls who say like that la! It\'s a common habit for everyone i guess LOL
    Haha, thank you so much for your support, hope you\'d enjoy it for the next few years as well, meili lol :heart:

  7. Stella: Yeah!! Don't really know any blogger friends.

  8. Done! Semoga masuk nominasinya! :D

    I love those bloggers too! Pas baca trip mereka bareng2 ke HK di blog cheesie/xx taon lalu seru tuh xD

  9. iya nih, pengen deh bisa satu trip sama mereka tapi levelnya sudah berbeda hahahaha
    teima kasih sudah dinominate :heart:

  10. Yeah! It sounds good! :-) Probably one day!

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