Japan Day 3 : Tokyo Sky Tree
January 10, 2013
This is my Japan Day 3 part 2! I hope you guys are not bored with Japan, as I am here for about 3 weeks, and you all will be shoved with these posts.. But to make you feel better, day 4-6 I only went to Shibuya-Harajuku area and just did shopping, so wont be many pictures and it will be compiled into one post lol
So please enjoy Tokyo Sky Tree post, which is the tallest tower or even building in Tokyo. It used to be Tokyo Tower but there are so many buildings taller than it so Japan made another one that's even taller!! xD
Took this picture from my Samsung S3 Panorama Mode. My camera cannot take the whole building if it's not from far away lol
another one with maki-san~!
Because it's New Year, there are only a few places opened, including Tokyo Sky Tree. Therefore it was major crowded, so we had to get the numbered ticket that showed us the time we could start queuing. We arrived about 1pm? And we got the pass to queue at 5pm 

So we headed to Asakusa for hatsumode first before came back again to Tokyo Sky tree..
And after we came back, we had to queue again for like 1 or 1,5 hour to pay for the ticket and go upstairs.. Madness 

But then it's all worth it because the night scenery is breathtaking

You could see all Tokyo from 350 meter above the land inside their observatory area.. Tokyo Sky Tree is the tallest free standing broadcasting tower in the world, with height is 634 meter..
By paying 2000 yen for adult, you can enjoy the scenery of all over Tokyo, And i have never seen the night scenery that beautiful in my entire life
Tokyo Night View is just.. sooo beautiful and dreamy 

And all the lights are so pretty and organized, it looks like galaxy full of stars 

They also have see through glass panel on the lowest ground level of the tower, that lets you see directly what's below you!! And I think the pictures dont show you clearly because it's night so it's super dark.. but I tell you, it's really really scaryyyyy!!!!!! Imagine standing like 300m above the land and you only have a glass to support you...
my legs were shaken~~!!! 

Last pic with Maki-san and Shintaro-nii!!
Tokyo Sky Tree is beautiful and I wished to come again later during the day.. I bet the experience is difference and I can see the whole area clearer. But night view is also amazing!!
So we're heading home after that.. But then the illumination around Tokyo Sky Tree is worth to see too!! All the trees look dazzlingly beautiful 

We were so hungry so we decided to stop by Denny's, which is according to them, is one of the most famous family restaurant in Tokyo. They have a lot of branches everywhere. Anyway, food in tokyo is very very expensive!! 

Usually the price is 900 - 1200 yen.. I almost choked myself
But ALL THE FOOD is very very good and it's more difficult to get bad food in here so you pay what you get~

They also let us know usually how much calories inside the food, for those of you health conscious people, you will love eating in Japan
Anyway, everytime you eat at restaurant, you can get free ocha / water.. And it's refillable~!
Apparently, tap water in Japan is very safe for drinking, and tastes even better than Aqua lol so I love it!! you can order juice or coffee or what though, but because I save the money so I usually dont order beverages..
These are our food btw~!!
Mine~!! Something about cheese, broccoli, mushrooms, and such.. Very tastyyyy 

Shintaro-nii's meat rice with curry sauce 

Maki-san healthy beef set with rice 

Everything is very very good!! I love japanese food and I ate a lot in here, I hope I wont get fat lol but Shintaro-nii said that I wouldn't get fatter because all the Japanese food are very healthy and has less oil. Instead, probably I will lose weight. Okay hopefully it's true lol
Then day 3 is over, the next is day 4, which is 2nd January, the day when I shopped fukubukuro and sale stuffs at SHibuya 109!
Please look forward for it 

i won't get bored reading your holiday story.. U deserved it :-) .. Blh jd masukkan klo tabungan udah mencukupi utk jalan2 k jepang ^^