Review : NYX Single Eyeshadow Review
November 09, 2012
NYX is famously known for being affordable brand for stage make up. We all know that mostly high quality and pigmented make up are quite pricey.. Other stage make up brands that are popular are Make Up Forever and MAC.. But, not all of us can or willing to afford it right lol
So I always recommend NYX to start your collection ^.^
Nevertheless, I hate their eyeshadow palette because it's very low quality, but how about their single eyeshadow???
Description :
Here’s a real collector’s item: You’ll be tempted to amass your own sensational color library of our richly pigmented eye shadows. Choose from over 160 individual NYX Single Eye Shadow shades in shimmer, sheer, glitter, frosty, metallic or matte. Our pressed mineral eye shadows pack a color punch, are easy to blend and last for many hours
NYX Single eyeshadows come up with hundreds of color to choose from and I only have 11 random colors with me!
But my opinion mainly is, that the consistency, texture, and pigmentation for each eyeshadow is different! o_o
NYX should make it in equal! I dont understand why some eyeshadows need only one swipe, while the others need 4 swipes to show off on my skin
The white eyeshadow is very disappointing.. I feel that their light colors aren't as good as their dark and bold colors..
Colors that I love the most in these 11 eyeshadows is Irises, the medium blue color. The color is very pretty and unique!
from left to right : white, golden, taupe, root beer, purple, summer green, blue marine, hot orange, irises, mellow yellow, morocco
Final Opinion :
Pros :
- Comes with 160 colors to choose from!!!
- Affordable price
- Easy to blend
- The color shows up pretty well
- Offers a lot of eyeshadow finish, from matte, satin, shimmery, etc
Cons :
- The eyeshadow's quality isn't equal
Although the packaging and quality are not superior, but it is in fact still very decent, considering the price is somehow affordable for most of us.. Only 5USD each! o.o
If you are an eyeshadow collection in budget, this may be your option.. But if you only want versatile colors for everyday look, I think, going with an eyeshadow palette is probably better. Although single eyeshadow has more product
So spend your shopping money wisely! :)
I got mine from Rie Butik! They open Pre Order beauty stuffs from USA and Korea with cheap price. Mention my name / use coupon STL6RIE to earn more discount! ^.^
Some nice colors anyway.
kurang praktis juga yah ka, dalam satu wadah cuman ada 1 warna jadi gak bis aganti-ganti warna.