My New Fake Nails Set!

March 29, 2012

You guys know how much I often rave a product if I do like it too much. I received my first professional fake nails set like a week ago and mesmerized even for the first time I saw it. I got mine from Crystallized Nail Art! The fake nails are all handmade and made according your own nail size. It's custom made and you can order any design that you like! I told her that I love rock style, and I want to have rokku gyaru nails like Sakurina!!! *_* but she said she never made anything like that before, as she's more into kawaii and feminine stuffs, I said okay la just mix it with pink then. I trust her so I just wait for it to arrive. And this what I got!!

READ MORE !!!! *O*

I got a set of fake nails[10 pieces] in a sleek box. She also gave me glues! It is sold separately in fact, more detail below!


This is the left hand design! The right hand is in same design but it is in different order la! Okay I puke rainbow *__*

In fact I wanted it to be a little longer but approximate nail length is only 2,5cm for her so yeah.. I told her that I wanted it to have sharp round edges instead of square. She tried so hard to meet my expectation and I seriously cannot complain anything! :heart: All is made carefully and wonderful! So pretty! It still has rock side, but yet feminine!

Some glues offered by her is the real liquid nail glue. It is super strong and can last for a really long time! Price is Rp 30.000 each! Only need one stroke, but if you want to make sure, can coat 2 strokes too :-)

So another type of glue is the 3 days double sided tape. But in fact it can last for about 5 days! It is quite strong! Perfect if you want to have a week being pretty!

Strong doubletape per sheet (1x 10) is Rp 15.000 :-D

And this is the last glue, it's double sided sticker as well and it can last a day only. In fact probably only a few hours based on my experience. So probably if you need to use your fake nails for a party and tomorrow you have to remove it, just use this glue! :-D

Casual doubletape per sheet (2x 10) is Rp 15.000


Now, move on to the nails!!!

READYYY????~~~ ;D

Seriously gals, HOW PRETTY IS THAT!!! O_______O <33333

It's not me only who thinks like that right, right, RIGHHTTT~~~???? XDDD

Seriously I am super happy wearing it, my nails feel super long and beautiful 8DDDD I cant stop praising myself wtf hahaha

A set of their nails costs Rp 450.000 but it is RE-USABLE! So you can use it many times! The staff will also print out how to take care of it and how to use it correctly and send it to you together with the product, and you can always ask about it further to her! She's really nice and talented!

She mainly makes fake nails for brides, but it doesnt mean that you have to wait until you become bride to be pretty right LOL

Ending this post with my vain pictures as I am too happy hahaha

What do you think about the nails???!!!! ;-D TELL ME :heart:

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  1. woww pweetyyyy and detail banget yaa design nail nya, 1 set 45000 stell? No kidding? hahaha, jd pinginnn :dance:

  2. lucunya, sayang makenya :p hehehe

  3. Yo, awesome fake nail, pretty!
    thanks for sharing the glue :)

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  4. kerennn cee... aku jg dl pke.. :D
    tp yg pny ku psg lsg d toko jd bs nentuin warna, bentuk, dll..
    pny cce mahal bngt 440rb :0
    aku punya kl cumn warna doank ga pke manik 130rb,...
    goyang ga tuh cee kl dpke..? :)

  5. so cute! love it! i love your eye make up as well! :D

  6. ahahaha iya sih, makanya ak pakenya harian doang, kalo buat ngampus sayang

  7. 450ribu ce per set, tapi kalo lebih simpel desainnya, harga juga lebih murah. ada juga kok yang 150rb. dicek2 aja :D
    ayo gih pakeeee... cantik kok, gak boong, pas ak pake ak ngerasa jariku super cakep LOL hahahah

  8. thank you for reading it too karen!

  9. dia bisa kok kalo kamu mau nentuin, cari misalnya di google desain apa yang kamu mau, ntar dibuat, kan custom made hehe
    justru kan batu-batu sama aksesorisnya say yang mahal haha.. kalo cuman desain glitter biasa sih emang lebih murah
    dan kalo kuku palsu itu lebih mahal dibandingkan kuku asli
    terlebih ini bisa dpake berulang kali

    gak goyang kok, kuat, tadinya aku takut batunya copot ternyata gak kenapa-napa
    cuman biar lebih tahan lama ke depannya [sayang], aku lapisin lagi top coat kalo dipake berhari-hari :D

  10. thank you! I love it sooooo much too!
    and yes, im trying out new lashes haha

  11. Oh my ! These nails are so beautiful !!! :heart:

  12. Sweet and rock!! xD the color combination kinda reminds me of Dolly Wink though

  13. OMG, so beautiful. Sorry that I don't always comment, because I am super busy and sometimes I am super lazy but doesn't mean I didn't read your post.

    But this I have to comment because it is super pretty.

    Oh and gambatte in the competition for Kawaiii

  14. couldn't agree more rena! if it's a little longer, and has skull, probably will be more "rokku"

  15. Dolly WInk? haha yes probably, but Dolly Wink is sweeter, where it is more rock-ish

  16. I know!!! :heart:
    I want to have moreeee

  17. Awww, thank you mizutama, I know so many people are too lazy to comment on my blog, even my closest friends never comment haha but it's okay! I dont blog to get a lot of comments, it's more than enough if you're a loyal reader of mine :heart:
    yes this one is mad gorgeus *_*
    thank you for the support!

  18. That's right ! In this way it's remind me some Anna sui & Vivienne westwood stuff :heart:

  19. That's beautiful!
    I sometimes wear fake nails too, but since my nails are a little smaller than most nails, sometimes the size didn't quiet match my nails XDD

    do we share the same taste? hahaha

  21. they make the nails according to your nail size!
    my fingers and nails are pretty small too, i prob have the tiniest hand compared to everyone i've ever met, but they manage to make one for me! :heart:

  22. I think so ! xD
    Best taste ever ! :p

  23. cmon, rock is madly cool and gorgeous!! I tried ditching it to go for kawaii, but I can't stop going back to this style after a while! X)

  24. Haha same here! I always try to be in the side kawaii, but I always end up in the dark side!
    I guess we can do the both by periods x)

    lol I can't reply to your latest response, omg I talk too much stella ! >_<

  25. Hahaha I guess that may work!! X) Don't have to always go for rokku style for everyday haha. after all fashion is for fun :D
    no you're not don't worry! i always talk the most too haha

  26. akhirnya dipost juga foto close-upnya :heart: cantiikkkk XD
    tapi kalau aku yang pakai bisa-bisa lepas dan ancur dalam beberapa hari hehehe secara aku orangnya serampangan..

  27. aku juga orangnya serampangan kok, kalo dipake untuk lama, lapisin sama top coat! :D biar warna tetap terjaga + safe! ^_____^
    iya kukunya luar biasa cantik *o*

  28. kawaiiiii....
    lucuk fake nails nya, stella nya juga lucu kaya boneka *wink2*

  29. cece gak suka? ayo pake ce, must be so awesome on you! kan bisa minta didesain buat adult jugaaaa ;D ayo ayo~~ ^o^
    ahahaha gara2 make up, kalo gak juga ntar cece gmau liat aku LOL

  30. Ahh manis! Hihi. They look so cuute. Bit much for everyday for me but they look good on you!

  31. meh... salah baca harga LOL. :shame: belum di approve2 friend request nya jd ga bisa liat2 koleksi fake nail nya T_T

  32. aduh aduh si cece epi hahaha
    iya orangnya sibuk banget keknya, orderan dia banyak, yang sabar yah hehe. koleksinya luar biasa kok :yes: worth to try!

  33. Haha I won't be using it for everyday basis either! But probably will do when I have holiday!
    they will surely look good on you too! The nails are fabulous! :D

  34. lucu fake nailnya,cocok banget dipake ma warna rambut gitu. lebih cocok lagi pake baju yg ala2 lolita gitu. ^^

  35. hahaha lolita
    sebenernya warna rambut apapun cocok kok, kan kutek hitam itu netral ;D

  36. omg!!! the nailsss are perfecttttttt!! they look really god *m*! and obviously you make them look better than they already are XD! <3

  37. thank you ninooooo :hearts:
    I want skulls and cross instead of bows next time XDDDD Hopefully she would be able to make it for me hahaha

  38. SO ENVIOUS *O*
    super super love the crown <333

  39. IT IS!!! <33333
    You may visit her facebook to see more creations of her!

  40. Super adorable..
    love your eye make up as well...Lovely gyaru look

  41. Aku mauuuuu telllllllll!!!!! XD XD Cakep bgttttt kukunyaaa. Bisa buka pintu mobil gak kamu? LOL. Itu cuman bs bikin di jakarta yaa?? Hiks hikss

  42. thank you!!! :D the eye make up is inspired by sakurina! :)

  43. dia terima order online kok!! :D cuman kamu mesti ukur sendiri kukumu dan kasih ukurannya ke dia, jadi dia adjust sama length and widthnya ^___^
    bisa, tapi buka softlens agak tricky hahaha

  44. hi do u have contact person for purchasing this product?
    i mean her mobile phone number/ PIN bb maybe :)
    i got difficult to contact her,she have great product but very slow respon and kind with customer.

  45. Hello, I dont think I can reveal her PIN in public, please mail me if you want
    She's preparing to go overseas, and was sick before, I apologize for any inconvenience contacting her :(

  46. yes i think she was busy, but i need it for my photo session :)
    oke i will mail you soon :)
    hope u can help me.
    she should be proud with u, because u can increase her selling product

  47. I hope you could make it, I think she mentioned before that she has stopped receiving order atm because she's about to go overseas..
    Sure, waiting for your mail!
    Hahahaha... You should tell her that!!! XDDD
