My 20th Birthday

September 27, 2012

I am now 20 years old . . . . 


Instead of being happy on every birthday that I have, I always look back for the past year. Trying to figure out what I have done and I havent done so far.

It's not about presents or treat your friends for amazing dinners, for me it's more like a day when I think the most about my purpose of life. It's easy to just ask your parents money to treat your friends, or get your boyfriend or friends give you surprise party and presents, and even facebook walls are exploded by birthday wishes

But does it all matter?

What are you going to do after that?

It's not a joke when someone says that birthday means you're one step closer to death, and I also think like that. That means our time in this world is limited, and we just used 1 year again of our life span
So then think, what have you done so far?

As for me I think a lot about it. I feel like for the past year I have done a lot, especially in blogging, but yet I havent contributed enough. I still have to achieve more and more things, but yet powerless. 

I talked to my friends about this feeling, about how I've reached age 20 but i still havent managed to make my parents happy and proud of me. Then they scolded me as I have done quite a lot for my age. But seriously? There are far far more people who have been successful even on their young age. And what I am doing?

Watching reality show and laughing at midnight, trying to get away from my campus homework -_-"

And now, I'm in front of gate of adulthood. I still want to experience a lot of things and make a lot of memories in my teens, but I think I am unable to do that right now. As I am 20 already T_T 
I am still not used to people call me "cece" or "kakak" [older sister], as I always think I am young and mostly people are older than me

Until I realize that in my uni I also talk to my junior very very formally cos I thought they're my senior wtf. Blame my petite body. When I see someone taller than me I immediately assume they're older leh -____-" 

And now in blogging, more and more people think of me as someone dependable, they ask for my advice, and tell me that I am inspirational. While deep down I still think, really? 

I mean, I am just like a normal student.. I still make mistakes, and I am not ibu kartini so I think people think too high of me about being inspirational. All I do is blogging and it doesn't even empowering women. Not yet.. :x

I'd love to do that, to do something worth it, and when I think I am suitable enough, then I will accept the "inspirational" title. As right now I am far than enough

Okay I think it's more like emo message but in fact I am quite a thinker so a lot of thoughts are going around my head la about improve myself lol

And oh, I know that I always say that I am busy, SOON you will know what I am busy for, I am working on a project that HOPEFULLY will be launched this november. Details soon, as I do not think I shall reveal when it's not ready >_>;

But despite my hectic schedule I still manage to finish a few dramas and reality shows LOL I need fun time too la hahaha

So let's move on to happy things!
Although I said that I didn't need cakes, as my family doesn't like eating cakes and I end up being the one who finish it, but my dad still insisted to buy one

I love short cake! I love soft and sweet cakes, with not too sweet nor too bitter!
Because I cant handle chocolate and mocca, so I always get white chocolate and fruit cake lol And this is like my every year cake! XD

Then for my birthday dinner, me and my family went to japanese restaurant! We usually go to chinese restaurant but I was bored of it so yeah :x 
That's me and my mom, I hardly wear make up when with my family, pardon me.. Okay, I wont post it again T_T/

And here are just some food pictures from Ippeke Komachi Restaurant that we ordered :

I also treated my univ friends for dinner together :3

and then they gave me this bag to be inside a bag #bagception =.="
They know that I am very disorganized so they gave me this bag with so many pockets inside, so I can shove a lot of things inside, and I can put it inside my bag again so it will be neat wtf

Thank you very much :-*

Let me also share a few presents that needs to be blogged. I also receive a few from my school friends but I am too lazy to upload it lol

From my reader, Marsha!
Visit her beauty blog here! :3

I love reading someone's letter to me T_T For me it's very special

She sent me an eyelash glue cos i mentioned somewhere that I ran out of my lash glue T___T/ Omg so thoughtful <3

ZAP Indonesia Staff specially came to my place and made a surprise by bringing a bday cake for me! The bday cake is a rainbow cake and very big, so I brought it to school and get my friends to finish them up for me lol

Thank you Mbak Niken! ^.^

Also Menard Japan is very thoughtful by sending a present with a courier to make sure I receive the presents on time!

Completed with the special brush set from them, some eyeshadows, and most importantly, HAIR MASK :D

And another one is bday present from my sponsor, ZATURASHOP! You can buy from them by mentioning stelalee code to receive 6% discount! so far all my readers who have purchased from them are very satisfied with their service! excellent customer service with unbeatable price? :D

Bday presents + cards! :3
I receive a set of fashion items, a bag, a dress, and a headband!


I am very very pleased with the dress quality! It's made in korea, so the material is very nice compared to china made! The flowery pattern and mesh are very beautiful and warm! 

Here's the look !

Okay sorry I am not a fashion blogger, i cannot take excellent pics of it T_T

But anyway, yes I dyed my hair.. but after a few washes it will turn out lighter and become brown. I know my trademark is my long blonde hair but I am bored.. and it's autumn already [puts some fallen leafs of trees behind my back] and no i do not accept the reality that I am livin in indonesia, no lol 
So autumn means, DARKER COLOR!

I decide to go with brown instead of blonde.. for a moment
I will be missing my blonde hair for sure hahaha

Okay this post has become very absurd so I better end it now. I know i still have a lot of posts for you, especially my seoul trip. But I just.. have no urge to edit the pictures XDDD;;;
Because my condition was bad so I didn't take many pics, must photoshop to die to look pretty LOL one picture 2 hours [lebay] please pity my hand and back T_T

Later will update ok
Right now I better working on my current project so you can enjoy it as soon as possible! I am almost dead ughhhh \(oAo)/

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  1. Traktir kita juga dong! :3

  2. Happy Birthday Stella ^^
    hope all the BEST things happen to you for the next year ^^

    (oh... ini telat ya? oke,. baiklah... yang penting ngucapin dan doanya khan? hehehe)

    ow... btw, it's so surprisingly why you change your barbie-blonde-hair?
    perhaps it was to hard for everyone who have the bigger brave for change their hair into blonde :)
    it's so needing many treatment for it yah xD

    btw, your new colour hair looks so suitable for the syuper heat this summer lol.
    and you looks younger than your age now lol.

    sorry, for my disordered english... Im still learnin' as your mentioned before ya (maklum org indo suka lupa bahasa asing) hehehe

    once again,
    お誕生日おめでとうございます Stella ^^

  3. aaaa,,, happy bday stell... u're so lucky... nobody give me anything on my bday... *malah curhat* :p

    love ur nu hair... but u look more korea now... first time i saw ur pict on FB i instantly think... SNSD... (>.<) hehehe...

    anyway... sukses terus y dear... smoga makin sehat, happy dan makin banyak impian yg terwujud ditahun2 depan... aamiin...

    stell, if u don't mind u can visit my olshop on facebook ( and choose something that u like... :D after that u can email me your address to

  4. LOL Ur too funny. You look good in brown hair. There are a lot of things we want to achieve in a year, that is true however as you know this prob already, you also can't rush things so just take it easy and do it one dat at a time. You are an inspirational a lot of new blogger out there because to them, you have achieved so much and you did it with no one's help ie: ur parent, but yourself. You seem to be so hard on yourselves which is typical for organized ppl as yourself to be perfectonist. However, from what I read you are mature in biz (so that u dont think that u r so old, i prefer to say mature in biz lol) because you have plans for what you want to achieve and be succcesful and i think by doing it one day at a time, you have no regret because trust me when i say you are so so young so have fun being young! Don't think about "one step closer to death" esp not on your birthday. Think of how to just enjoy the day as if it is ur last so you live your life to the fullest right? Ok I am not trying to be a mommy or anything. Just wanna give my 2cents because in the picture you look so sad of turning 20 :) You should read back and look at your pics, you actually are so loved by so many ppl! So Cheer up!

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