New Blog Layout!!

April 06, 2013


Just a quick post to announce my first specially made blog layout, only for me mwahahaha 8D
The theme is spring with gold color and rose like princess, very liz-lisa-like.. I have been very addicted to rose recently lol Why Liz Lisa? You'll find out very soon!!

I want Liz Lisa theme because I have a project regarding Liz Lisa soon! 
It's with Liz Lisa official in Japan! 
What is it??
Still a secret!!!!
But will reveal after I come back from Japan! probably~ lol if I make it on time lol

I use the background and rose from Liz lisa, asked Liz Lisa staff directly and I was allowed yeah!!
So no plagiarism in here lol

The photos for the layout were taken by Nurfajar Tetuko ^.^ he's taken pics for Matcha Mei as well, a cosplayer and my friend, he's a great photographer so if you want a photoshoot, make sure to contact him :D

My pictures came out very great, dreamyyyy! :D

The concept of photos and the layout theme were like what I wanted, really tried my best to make everything perfect this time!! 

Wait, did i mention about Japan?


I am going to Japan again!!! ^0^
What's better, it's sponsored trip yeayyyyyyyy T____T
Otherwise, no money pls to go to japan again in such a short time
For 7 days in fact, but I extend again for a week to take care of Liz Lisa project, so I stay at Shintaro's home again lol he's sponsoring my room, that's why I can afford it lol

Shintaro is also a part of Liz lisa project so we're kinda like business partner now.. 

2 weeks in Japan!!!

From 17-30th April!!
My visa will be finished this wednesday XD;
Very tight-schedule...

I cannot stay longer cos I am still in the middle of school, 2 weeks of trip allowance is far good enough!! T____T

Been busy for Liz and Japan, which is one of the reasons why I rarely blog these days. But I promise I will make a lot of posts after this, since my blog is so pretty now *-*)\

I cannot really reveal what's the sponsored trip for at the moment, because the sponsor hasn't allowed me to speak yet. But I will tell you when they say 'OK' ^_^
It's such an exciting project!!
ANNDD.. to keep my promise, I am going to open a shopping service too! 
Many of you wanted my help to buy stuffs from Japan before. This time ok la, I will help!

I will make a separate post for it, tomorrow?
But for now.. Go ahead and enjoy my newest blog layout 8D

And oh, the banner has 3 pictures, it can change everytime you refresh it 8D
let's see if you can see all of them!!! hohoho~!!

Let me know what you think on the comment section below guys~~~!!

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  1. yay for japan again! :)

  2. i love the new layout!

  3. i'm going to japan in July, i love your blog and this only increases my expectation!!! I want to register all the things like you in my blog, You're so inspiring.; I'm brazilian :)

  4. suka suka cece, yang kemarin simple tapi yang ini bagus juga ><

  5. I hope you like reading my blog more because of the pretty layout too!

  6. Nice!! I wanna go in july as well to watch my fav's singer concert but Idk, no money ;__;

    Thank you for loving my blog! I hope you enjoy reading this more because it's becoming prettier lol
    Hello brazil~~!!!! XDD

  7. i like the new design.. so cutee.. can't wait to see youre project...

  8. if you happen to live in Indonesia and love liz lisa, you'll be happy for the project as well haha! *0*

  9. suka dua2nya, yang kemarin aku suka headernya, purikura ><
    yang ini liz lisa banget, envy :3
    selamat ya cece ke jepang lagi dan sukses ya ce buat proyeknya juga, ditunggu postingan terbarunya............

  10. wowww...... makin gaa sabarrrr...
    semoga semuanya lancar.. ^^

  11. hahaha yang kemarin udah berantakannn T__T
    kamu bisa tuh psen sama web designernya, namanya anne, murah kok :3
    iya terima kasihh.. ntar kalo project liz lisa jalan, kamu juga akan bisa ikutan sneng loh *hint : you can get liz lisa!!* LOL

  12. iya cece, thanks ya infonya
    langsung diemail dan di bales, murah nyan tapi sekarang lagi ga bisa order
    pengen beli hp baru, kamera baru, baju baru, make up baru, tas baru, sama jalan2 ke vietnam, butuh duit, lol
    ok ok, ditunggu deh pokoknya ><

  13. haha kapan2 aja ordernya :3 murah kan XD

    ngapain ke vietnam lol;; thailand aja, syoping murah meriah.. apa apa emang butuh duit -v-)\ susahnya jadi wanita~

  14. aaww, Stells, it's beautiful, and u too. I hope after your trip i can purchase Liz Lisa as well..
    good luck, Stella. :D

  15. thank you~ but I am just beautiful on pic la, thanks to photoshop LOLOLOL
    haha yes you can :P start saving!!
    tomorrow ill open japan shopping service as well :D

  16. bagus ste ^,^ tp gmbr wajahmu gede bgt o.o picnya banyak, blognya jd lbh lama loadingnya T___T
    inet ku angin2an, seringnya lemot..hiks..

  17. iya murah, pake di kasih gratis lagi kalo banyak fiturnya :v
    tadinya sih mau ke beijing, tapi ga jadi deh, keuangan tak mendukung, bosen lah ce thailand mulu, move move ke vietnam, wkwk
    emang susah, banyak keinginan nyan T_T

  18. soo pretty! it suits you… :)

    tapi kok right-click disabled ya? I understand that it's more to stop picture-stealing and such… tp jadi susah open new tab kalo mau buka banyak post :(((

  19. untuk linknya, tiap dibuka jadi new tab. ada yang masih di same tab, tapi lagi diakalin sama web designernya, sabar yaa >_< thanks buat masukannya!

  20. Pas buka langsung kaget, omaigat, keyeennnn layoutnya..!!!! Cuma itu headernya guede poll~ :)))

  21. Oh my so lucky! I love the new layout ;) Kyaa!!! <3

  22. So happy for you that you got sponsored! Definitely looking forward to seeing more pictures from you! :D

    Also love the layout. It's so perfect for spring and you look amaaaaaazing!

  23. sebenernya layoutnya bagus. but it remind me to . dr konsep, style dll its too similiar. jd bgitu buka langsung kaget... its sooo so xiaxue. but no probs. bgus kok.

  24. Hi Stella, how did you approach the Liz Lisa staff? Did you contact them via ventonline or ventinter? I have a small project concerning Liz Lisa and I have tried contacting Vent International (parent company of Liz Lisa) but have not heard from them. :/

  25. yes please wait~!!!

    thank you for your complimenttt

  26. yang terinspirasi dari xx cuman banner yang bisa digonta ganti, sisanya itu inspirasi dari liz lisa webstore :)
    xx juga ambil inspirasinya dari liz lisa stauku

  27. my friend has friend inside liz lisa so we can do it

  28. Oh that's nice! that definitely helps then :) I sent another email, this time to Vent Online and they gave me a completely unrelated answer. :/
