My Top 5 Favorite Gurus On Youtube
June 16, 2012I am quite sure for those of you who read my blog must be lovin to watch make up tutorial on youtube. I also learn make up when from youtube. Internet has become an access for me to learn so many new things, and make up is one of them. I start my own youtube channel also because I adore them, and they're my inspirations :)
I only subscribe a little, because I only want to watch people who I really want to enjoy and learn from
Many doesn't know that my favorite guru ever is Sasaki Asahi, or mostly known as Manwomanfilm before. She's a talented woman from Japan
Her video is really unique, and although she doesn't speak english or do voiceover or tutorial, by her own body language, she's able to show us how to do make up correctly! Also her technique is pretty awesome, and she is unlike other gurus who use a lot of products, and different on each video. Her products remain almost completely same, and you can see products used repeatedly. Which show me more than enough that she's a humble and a budget person. She's my inspiration that, by owning a lot of make up products doesn't mean that you're good on it. Technique is.
By using same products repeatedly, she's able to create tons of looks to follow. Her video is always interesting to watch, and need I say that her face is beautiful too? :)
Promise Phan, whom famous for her own make up transformations
Her transformations always impress many people. She can change her face to Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba, Avatar, Kate Middleton, or even Disney Princesses! Also her tutorial is really easy to follow, and she's a really down to earth person
Same like Sasaki, she also uses products repeatedly, but able to create a lot of different looks. Although mostly I see that some looks are repeated, but to see the final result on her is really breath taking and fun!
She is from Nepal, and married with Michelle Phan's brother, that makes her Michelle's sister in law. Her features are really unique for asian people,
BeautyQQ is an independent woman from Hong Kong, and she shares a lot of make up, skin care, and life tips to her viewers
I love her because despite her age, she still looks amazing and her skin is even better than mine who havent reached 20 yet. Whenever I watch her video, I feel ashamed of myself for not taking care of my skin as good as it's supposed to be. Therefore it keeps me motivated to always do skincare routine regularly
I feel that she's really smart about skincare and facial massage, because her tips are always helpful and easy to follow. Also she does make up that's suitable for asian face. Although her make up videos are not as many as other gurus, and not as impressive as some of them, but she gives a lot of helpful tips, as well as giving advice to be more positive about life :) That's what I like about her
Goss Make Up Artist is an experienced Make Up Artist from South Wales, and I know him when I was looking for Kim Kardashian's make up look. He gives a lot of info and tips about Kim's make up, which is one of the best make up for me, she rocks her own look, and becomes a big trend! Therefore not surprising that many tries to replicate her look on youtube, and Goss is one of them
But the more I watch the video, the more I feel how great his technique is. He gives clear explanation about how to do it, also it's straight to the point. He gives tips about make up and skincare, then do make over on some models or himself, or even just talk and review about make up products
Another think that I love is his accent, British accent is really cool and classy. Not to mention his trademark wink as well. Learn a lot of techniques from him and sure you will regret to miss his channel
And last is Michelle Phan
She's the first one whom I watched on youtube when I was looking for a smokey eye tutorial. Years ago, she wasn't as big as now, she reached fame when she made Lady Gaga - Poker Face tutorial, and got more audience from Bad Romance, whom she's famously known for the first make up guru who used special effect on his tutorial
Many dramas and haters around her, and to be honest I much respected the older Michelle. Recently her make up looks boring, and repeated, only her cinematography is good which makes me still interested to watch it. But I learn nothing these days from her because to be honest, there are other better gurus compared than her
I loved her old tips like business card for mascara holder, or her natural make up. And I am sure everyone has known her already She is no 1 most subscribed woman on youtube after all. She's a good entrepreneur and do this as a big business, but because of that, I feel that she has lost her own passion about the real make up. I still watch her video though, because I am still interested about her
I watch other famous youtubers as well such as amazingly talented sisters pixiwoo, bubzbeauty [whom I feel her make up is almost same on every videos so I dont include her on top 5], StyleSuzi with fierce style and sexy british accent, daven mayeda for hair tips and tricks, and the others. But in fact I follow comedy and cooking channel too LOL I love Ryan Higa and Kevjumba and I know almost every friends of mine have been choked by their videos by me haha. Also, I watch japanese cooking channel from cookingwithdog and runnyrunny999, and when I have free time I try to cook some lol
Though if you notice, I tend to watch asian make up gurus because I believe that the way they apply make up can be applied easily on my face as well..
I learn creativity and that language is not a barrier from Sasaki Asahi
I learn that we can be anything through make up from Promise
I learn that skin is the most important thing to take care of before make up from QQ
I learn that video needs to be attractive through Michelle
And I learn the make up techniques from Goss!
It's amazing what people can teach us through internet, and I am awed by so many things that I can learn from internet for FREE! ^.^ Okay not free, I pay for my internet hahaha
How about you? Who's your favorite guru? :)
Aku suka Lisa eldridge,Jessica harlow sama Pixi2woo sama michelle phan tentunyaaa.... :-))
ReplyDeleteaku juga suka sama si lisa :D aksennya enak banget :) tipsnya pun berguna
ReplyDeletegw suka Jen frmheadtotoe!! christine from xteener, makeupbytiffanyd, and of course michelle phan :) great post!
ReplyDeletedlu aku juga suka nonton si tiffany! :D
ReplyDeleteMembantu sekali video YouTube dr Stella.thanxx,,,,,,,Stella.,u are wow. :-D
ReplyDeletesenang bisa membantu! ^.^ ayo ngefans sama sasakiiii <33333
ReplyDeleteaku suka pelototin videonya michelle phan (of course) and beautifymeeh; one of korean pretty lady ^^ :inlove:
ReplyDeleteaaaa sama stel. Aku juga suka bgt nntn video2nya BeautyQQ. Kulit dia masih halus mulus gitu pdhl ud lumyan berumur. Bener2 sumber inspirasi :')
ReplyDeleteAku akan cek si beautifymeeh!! thanks for telling me! ^o^
ReplyDeleteIya kaaaannn ;') Aku ragu loh ce bisa sehalus itu kulitnya kalo aku uda tua, dia bener2 take care of her skin banget yaaa
ReplyDeleteaku jg suka bgt ma sasaki asahi dan beautyQQ ^^
ReplyDeletemereka inspiring banget!!! ^o^)/ tapi sayang udah lama gak buat tuh T___T
ReplyDeleteAku jg subscribe ke dia, kayanya make fondie pun hati-hatiiii bgt, tp ga tau mmg umurnya brp? o__O kirain yaah mid twenties lah..
ReplyDeleteumurnya stauku 40!!! :-o keren banget kan!
ReplyDeleteKlo rambut aku suka lilithedarkmoon, luxyhair, ChintiaTruong sama bebexo. Makeup aku suka beautydept, cl2425, sama jungsaemmool :)
ReplyDeletehomaikot!!! O__O kereen~
ReplyDeleteoh aku tau bebexo ^.^
ReplyDeletecl2425 oke buat korea emang ^.^ cuman akhir2 ini udah jarang ikutin dia >___<
iya kan!!! >___< inspiring sekaleeee
ReplyDeletesukkaa bgt ma gossmakeup mpe videonya ku save smua hehe... :-))
ReplyDeletewah fans berat yaaaa... tapi dia itu straight gak sii *malah gosip* lOL
ReplyDeletehihi.. ga tau ya,mmm kayaknya sh enggak abisnya dia suka nemplokin make up di muka dya sndri kn,tp caranya itu berguna banget,,. berasa kyk make up class beneran
ReplyDeleteyou should try watch katy cheung's channel katykissbo :)
ReplyDeleteher skin is really great,flawless,no pores!! lol
and also her makeup techniques really awesome!!!
she is also from hongkong :D
i've watched her through, via katy's beauty room!! :D her skin is amazingggg
ReplyDeleteHai, Stella. I also watching Michelle and Promise Phan youtube video since years ago. But through this post, now I know about Sasakiasahi & BeautyQQ, thank you for sharing this info. Oh btw, have you watch NuehleVang youtube video? She is also into gyaru make up and cosplaying, and reeeaaallllyy love her video when she re-created Tsubasa's eye make up on Dolly Wink's eyelashes catalog. She's very talented on gyaru make up, just like you.. ^.^