NYX Round Lipstick Review + Swatches
June 18, 2012
If you have never tried or known about the phenomenal NYX Round Lipstick, then you're totally missing out! Because it's probably the most famous drugstore lipstick ever! With it's price, availability, color selections, and result, it successfully becomes a big hit all over the world :o
As for me, I've owned a few pieces before, so this product is not new to me. But I've always wanted to do a complete review about this product, and also swatch a few shades of it for you guys to see! :-D RieButik is kind enough to offer me some lipsticks from them, so let's see it!!
NYX Round Lipstick is our classic lipstick for all-year round. The mineral-based emollient formula offers a beautiful velvet texture, saturated color and it resists wear and smudging. It’s your go-to lipstick. From Pure Nude to Pink Lyric to Chic Red, Round Lipstick is available in a jaw-dropping 126 shades.
Packaging :
Considering this as a drugstore product, I will have to say that it does look quite fancy. With it's black sleek packaging, though it's made by cheap black plastic. But other drugstore lipsticks sometimes are too, cheap looking . . While NYX Round lipstick still comes with simple professional black packaging
I also love how they are made quite stable and can be put on desk, as there are some rounded packaging lipsticks that you have to store it by laying it down. Moreover, they print the name of each lipstick on top of it, and put the color of the lipstick on it's bottom. So you can choose how to store your lipstick. As for me, I love to store it with the bottom upwards so I can see what color I'd like to use :-D
Texture :
This lipstick is really creamy, so the result is really opaque. But because of that, there's one dislike point. It can make your dry lips more obvious if you don't prep or put lip balm before you use lipstick.
Also because of this consistency, it tends to melt easily in humid weather. Remember that I said that I had owned this before? I have to move the lipstick into a jar because it melts easily and I almost broke it when I applied it on my lips :-\
Colors :
So far NYX Round Lipstick has owned about 144 colors already, which is really awesome! :-o Because mostly drugstore lipstick only has around 20 shades for each product! The result is breath taking too, they're so pigmented, opaque, and last long!
Swatch :
Here's the color comparison between the lipsticks on my wrist
Left to Right : Electra, Pure Red, Rose, Sunflower, Stella, Vitamin, Lip Du Juor, Paris, Thalia, Circe, Pure Nude
Top : Without Flash. Bottom : With Flash
Left to Right : Electra, Pure Red, Rose, Sunflower, Stella, Vitamin, Lip Du Juor
Top : Without Flash. Bottom : With Flash
Left to Right : Vitamin, Lip Du Juor, Paris, Thalia, Circe, Pure Nude
Top : Without Flash. Bottom : With Flash
Here's how it looks like on my lips
Left without flash, Right with flash
The finish of each lipstick is different, there are satin finish, matte finish, glossy finish, and so on. That's the result from having too many color selections on one lipstick. Unfortunately I don't know what's the result if I don't test it out directly on the lips, so if you want to purchase some, make sure you test it out beforehand or do research!
I love Electra, Rose, and Pure Nude the most!
Circe and Pure Nude almost look same, but Pure Nude has more pink tone
Where I Got This and Price :
I got this from RieButik and it's only Rp 30.000 each through pre-order!!!! :-o And the real price in NYX Website for this lipstick is each 4USD! And the counter sells it for about 10USD each. So it's really CHEAP! And by I mean cheap, it really is cheap! :-o if you're interested you can purchase it HERE
Final Opinion :
Pros :
- Opaque result
- Creamy texture
- Comes with hundreds of colors to choose from
Cons :
- Melts easily in Indonesia / humid weather
- Dry, needs lip balm before using this product
- Doesn't last long
I have to say that their quality are so-so. It comes with many colors selection, and also gives pigmented result. But I hate because it doesn't moisturize my lips, but well, because you get what you pay, I think that the moisturizing effect is forgiven. Just make sure to put lotsa lip balms or exfoliate your lips before hand to create a smooth finish on your lips
If you'd like to expand your make up collections with tight budget, go for this one. But if you can afford or spend more money for lipsticks, I would suggest you to find a better lipsticks, because NYX Round Lipsticks isn't as good as everyone says. Sure it's cheap and pigmented, but it doesnt go on lips smoothly. As for myself, I dont think I will repurchase it, simply because I have other lipsticks with higher quality and I want to finish them up first before get a new one :x
Phew, making lips swatch and before&after is really tiring, I have to wipe my lips off a few times. But the lips comparison makes me happy XD When I read someone's blog, i LOVE when they do color comparison because it helps me to choose color before I make a purchase
tellaaaa....mana kode nya?mo beli eyeshadow base nih :D
ReplyDeleteakuu jg pkee ini cee.. tp yg pumpkin pie n orange soda.. tu orange soda recommend bngt cee.. nude ny bagussss bngt ;)) tp emang smell n agak lembek liptik ny :(
ini nisaaa :-D Use Coupon Code STL6RIE to get 6% discount for min purchase Rp 100.000
ReplyDeleteiya cepet banget melelehnya, gampang penyok juga sih :/ emang agak kurang cocok sih di iklim tropis kayak kita kayaknya >.<
ReplyDeletecuman emang murah banget >.<
wowww I love the Rose colourrr soo pretty! *__* and the packaging does look fancy! I love NYX! ! :bunny: :heart: Great review Stella :D!
ReplyDeleteI love Rose too!
ReplyDeleteIn LA it's much easier to purchase and cheaper right? Envy youuuu!!! *pinch your cheek* :heart:
waaaaa gradasinya keren ^^ jadi gampang liatnya ^^
ReplyDeleteiya tapi ada yang warnanya mirip-mirip, kalo diperhatiin baru keliatan beda tone sama finishnya :D
ReplyDeleteI have two of these lipsticks and I hate them so much...they both had a bunch of shimmer in them and looked gross on my lips. But reading this made me realize they all have different finishes...sooo I'm going to try one of the ones you swatched :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for this review !
Yes they have different finish so I suggest you to take research first about what finish and color you'd like to purchase! ^.^
ReplyDeleteI am obviously not a fan of satin finish because it makes my lips look dry :/
Thank you so much for reading it! :heart:
Beautiful colors you have there! I especially love the Electra, sexy color ;)
ReplyDeletegileee... what a post *saluttt
ReplyDeletemahasiswi DKV dengan tugas seabrek, tapi bisa ngepost detail.
dan akhirnya jadi beli deh 2 warna.
yes electra is awesome! ^.^ perfect to use it with cat eyes right!!
ReplyDeleteiya ini bahkan aku sering ketiduran depan laptop gara2 ngurusin tugas DKV yang luar biasa T.T tapi bentar lagi aku liburan yaaayyyy :-D
ReplyDeletewahhhh, beli warna apa aja? ^,^
the stella ones really suits you IMO. i love it :-))
ReplyDeleteit really is pigmented, tapi punyaku juga gampang banget leleh, sekarang jadi miring di tempatnya.
aku baca saran di blog-blog sih katanya jangan diputar lebih dari 2 cm ya, biar ga gampang patah karena rapuh.
As always, really loves your blog stell, keep it up yaaaa!
Oh satu lagi, post yang sering cause i can't get enough of it! Thank you steeel
Dari dulu penasaran ma nyx round lipstick en lagi nunggu po tiba minggu depan, seneng deh ada swatch yg vitamin...tapi ga ada swatch celene hiks...
ReplyDeletebtw, saran aja sis..klo gampang lumer bisa disimpan di kulkas aja dalam box plastik tansparan, klo lipstick yang patah caranya juga sama, disatuin lagi terus masukkan dalam kulkas beberapa jam, selesai deh^^
Hahaha! Yes I was thinking to wear stella on daily basis too lol but unfortunately it's too dry for my lips and I am too lazy to put lip balms recently T.T
ReplyDeleteIya ya? punyaku bahkan udah patah ampe udah aku masukin jar haha
yah you get what you pay sih XD
oh gitu yah? Oke aku akan pelan-pelan makenya ^.^ thanks for the tips yah dear! :heart:
OMG Im touched thank you so much T______T I will be blogging more in july-august I think, cos I will be in holiday ^o^/
Wah makasih ^.^ dari dulu emang pengen bikin swatchnya sih, soalnya emang banyak banget kan yang mau bli ^o^
ReplyDeleteOh gitu yah, kalo gitu aku storage disana aja deh mulai skarang! thanks banget yah untuk tipsnya! ^o^/
thanks for your efoort to swatch them :D
ReplyDeletei want Rose.. xD
it even have a color with your name, lol :p
Yes I want to say stella is wearing stella wtf LOL
ReplyDeleterose is gorgeous!! ^_____^ I think it compliments indo skin tone nicely!!
Oh pretty. NYX lipsticks in pale shades look chalky and unpigmented. I like their bright shades though